AgriWorx an agricultural technology company on a mission to transform agricultural and farming practices with scalable next digital technology

Leverage the extraordinary adaptability and power of AgriWorx TM  Platform to drive your business to next level.

Smart Farming: The Future of Agriculture


Smart farming is a management concept focused on providing the agricultural industry with the infrastructure to leverage advanced technologies like Big Data, IoT, robotics, drones, etc., to increase the quantity and quality of products. Just as free slot machine play offers an easy way to engage with technology for entertainment, farmers can use their smartphones to remotely monitor their equipment, crops, and livestock, as well as obtain stats on their livestock feeding and produce.

AgriWorxTM Smart Agriculture Solution Benefits…

AgriWorx Features




Farm Management


Farm Mapping


Livestock Management


Asset Management


Labour Management


Inventory Management


Farm biosecurity is a set of measures designed to protect a property from the entry and spread of pests and diseases. Farm biosecurity is your responsibility, and that of every person visiting or working on your property.
Bio Security
Farm Management

Farm Management

Modern day farm management has become “Smarter” AgriWorx TM platform help you to increase farm efficiency, lower costs, reduce waste, and improve the quality of your yields; through the use of data and Agriculture AI + IoT solutions.

Farm Mapping

A digital map of your farm

Map your farm in just 30 minutes, record crops and plan rotations, add more detail with features like fences, gateways, buildings and water pipes. Share with your team to help them navigate and avoid hazards.

Farm Mapping
Livestock Management

Livestock Management

Individual Animal Records, Electronic / management tags, Treatments, Feeds, Paddocks, Weights, Notes

Asset Management

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Labour Management

There are many variations of passages of available but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humou or randomised words even slightly believable.

Inventory Management

Looking for software to assist with the management of your inventory, whether that be your capital assets, machinery, crop inventory, grain stocks, or chemical inventory? These solutions may assist.

Get In Touch

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